Search Engine Optimization

How Much Time SEO Needs To Give Results?

There are no shortcuts to search marketing; it takes time and needs efforts but once the site achieves a high rank on SERPs, the advantages worth more than the time and efforts. But how will it take you to reach on top depends on a number of factors?

Let’s discuss the important factors but before we discuss the factors it is necessary you understand that SEO has changed. It is no more related to collecting backlinks by publishing content. It is about reliability, technical aspects and the way of presentation. And SEO is continuously evolving.

In the past, SEO was limited to doing keywords research and collecting backlinks with content. Web pages were created with the sole aim of generating backlinks. But this method no longer works.

How you should do SEO?

  • Always publish fresh and informative content
  • Keep your website evergreen
  • Develop your website with internal linking of pages
  • Share content on social media for website promotion
  • Guest post only in reputable sites that give quality backlinks and also build trust of your visitors

What to expect from SEO?

First thing you should keep in mind is that you shouldn’t have unrealistic expectations from SEO. There is no way that you could achieve high ranking with certain keywords within a few months. To achieve high rank on high volume keywords, you need bypassing many websites. But you can see results in increase in organic traffic of your site.

Keep two facts in mind:

  • SEO could take months and even years to push websites up on competitive terms
  • SEO can generate organic traffic within a few months

Important factors in the SEO time

Age of website: SEO works better for old sites. The website must be one year old in order to take advantage of SEO. But you start doing SEO from six months so that by the time your website becomes one year old, you have at least a couple of good backlinks for the site.

Competition level: You aren’t the only one running and promoting website. There are others as well. How much time your site takes in becoming popular depends on level of competition. High level of competition means that the site has many counterparts that are also trying to achieve high rank on the same keywords you are targeting.

Google penalty: Websites penalized by Google don’t respond to SEO efforts. If your website has ever faced search engine penalty then you should first bring your site back from the penalty.

Number of pages in Google index: Search engine ranking depends on the number of pages indexed in search engine. There are many studies that prove direct relation between indexed pages search rankings. It is better to have less pages but with quality content.

Quality and length of content: Quality content is directly related to web pages. While creating content, you need keeping three things in mind.

  • Create unique and informative content
  • Keep length of the content up to 1000 words
  • Make content SEO friendly and presentable

For content writing, you can take help of an experienced author. Quality of content matters most as it helps in building trust and creating quality backlinks.

Backlink: It won’t be wrong to say that quality backlinks build strong profile for websites. SEO works well for the sites that have a strong base of backlinks. And for backlinks, you need good number of indexed pages and also the content must be of high quality.


SEO is a time taking process. For digital marketing, you need having patience and time. And also you should be serious in your efforts. Understand how SEO works and look at the factors. But you won’t need waiting for much time to see influx of organic traffic.


Udit Khanna is a Digital Marketing Course professional at Expert Training Institute, an expert in Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media, etc. who helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Udit worked as a marketing professional for various startups and tech companies. He graduated with B.Sc from IGNOU with a dual degree in Business Administration (Marketing & Finance).

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