What is Affiliate Marketing?
When making a recommendation regarding any product or business, you do affiliate marketing. There is a merchant who makes affiliates that target customers for that merchant and get commission fixed by the merchant.
What is Affiliate Marketing And How Can You Leverage It
Simplification of the process:
1 Internet users look for information regarding various products and services
2 They land on affiliate sites promoting those products and services
3 People interested in buying are redirected to merchant sites
4 Buyers purchase items from merchant sites
5 The affiliates are credited for sales and are rewarded with a commission
Who’s an affiliate?
It’s a partner website of a merchant that could be a retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, dealer or supplier. The affiliate partner promotes the business of the merchant and gets commission according to profit settlement with the merchant. The profit should be on sale or on traffic depending on nature of the business.
Who can become an affiliate?
Any website can become an affiliate by joining affiliate program of merchants. Also, an affiliate site can sell more than one products. The affiliates are tracked using codes that count a number of visitors. Affiliate sites are free to use any marketing strategy including PPC but they can’t charge merchants for paid marketing.
Profit from affiliate marketing
Commission earned by directing targeted traffic to merchants is a profit of affiliates and this profit could be in millions. Also, the commission amount varies from one program to another. It costs nothing to become an affiliate but partners can earn millions by selling affiliate products.