The Best Time To Post on Facebook In 2018
Facebook is the leader in social media commanding the attention of a whopping 1.4 billion daily users and is the darling of social media advertisers with 93 percent marketers present in the platform.
Marketers acknowledge a definite linkage between posting time on Facebook and the results in the guise of likes and shares.
As a result, endless discussions and debates are progressing on the best time to post on social media.
Parallel to that talk is research on winning more like and shares from Facebook posts.
There is no concrete formula yet on assured success for all FB posts. In Facebook, no One Size Fits All trick will ever win. What works better for one person will not work for the other.
The success of Facebook messages depends on two factors— knowledge of the best time to post on facebook seen by more people including friends and followers.
Behind the passion to find out what is the best time to post on Facebook is the quest to harvest maximum likes and followers by making posts highly visible and extensive in reach.
On Facebook posting times, there is a plethora of intelligent advice to tap. But the bottom line is that posting messages on Facebook must be preceded by a certain amount of prior planning to get the best results.
Social media posts, especially Facebook benefits a lot if care is taken to schedule Facebook posts using the available scheduling tools. The advantage of knowing the best time to post on Facebook is the saving of time and dissemination of more content.
By scheduling content in advance maximum likes, comments, and shares can be harvested.
It then follows that all social media strategy must be clear on the timings on when to post on Facebook with a proper scheduling strategy.
In autopilot mode, connecting with followers in real-time and publishing more content to reach quota without pushing more daily posts is possible.
High Visibility Essential for more Facebook Likes
Increased visibility of people’s timelines is fine. But frequent posts like flood waters will only backfire as it repels the audience.
Posting too frequently without pause will be a problem. At the most, three to four pictures must be the norm for a day. Else irritates people and they will be happy to unfollow or unfriend such nuisance.
Along with the best time to post on Facebook for likes tagging friends to notify them the posts have to be a priority. For hiking visibility, modifications to privacy settings from private to public will also help.
While adding photo or video make sure that the text is crisp and brief; words must be between 30 and 40. Encourage others by liking and commenting on others posts to motivate others to look at your own posts.
Best time to post on Facebook for maximum exposure will depend on skipping times when people are highly busy. That suggests posting night is better.
Staying away from sensitive topics such as religion or politics will also make posts more graceful, positive and less controversial.
Best Days for Facebook
The best day to post on facebook is Thursday. Wednesday noon mainly at 2 p.m. Thursday is also better if it is 1 and 2 p.m. The safest times on weekdays are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Evenings and early mornings will have the least engagement in a day.
Sharing intensifies when posts are positive. Negative nellies are disliked by all and there are few takers for that. Positive posts are inspirational and funny.
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Why Posting Time on Facebook is Important
Audience behavior varies per social network and industry. Managing them needs knowledge and not hunches.
Sprout Social Data throws light on the customer engagement patterns and its relation with posting times.
Here is a sample of industry verticals where the best times to post on social media pages have been examined
Weekdays vs Holidays
According to experts, for weekdays, the safest time to post on Facebook is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Regarding best day, Thursday is the best day to post on Facebook in the week. Wednesday is relatively better.
In the former, 2 p.m noon and 1 and 2 p.m for the latter are most ideal. In working days evenings and mornings have the minimum engagement.
Engagement rates consistently peak during midday of weekdays mainly on lunch breaks.
On Saturdays, engagements plummet as people are out on visits and markets.
There are stark variations in the engagement patterns of different industries. For nonprofits, Facebook is a great social media network for inviting and collecting users to attend events, find followers an update on events without visiting the website.
There are unique engagement times for specific sectors, which mean separate best times to post on Facebook. For nonprofits, the special days are Wednesday and Friday and the time is 2 p.m.
Monday is marked by high engagement times at 9 a.m., Tuesday at 6 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m., and noontime whereas on Friday it is 9 and 11 a.m. The safest time to post is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Weekends and Mondays are days when nonprofits get less engagement.
Best Time to Post on Facebook for Healthcare
Most health care centers maintain a Facebook page as social media offers many benefits. According to experts, on Facebook healthcare’s best day is Friday noon with precise time for Thursdays being 2 and 7 p.m. Other important days are Monday 2 p.m., Wednesday 1 p.m., and Sunday noon.
Facebook for Tech
For tech brands, the best time to post on Facebook is Monday and Tuesday at 11 a.m and 10 a.m until noon.
Posting between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m is fine on weekdays. The lowest Facebook engagement for Tech companies is on Saturday. Late nights and early mornings are marked by engagement dips.
Facebook for Consumer Goods
Most FMCG brands get the best results on Facebook if posts are made on Thursdays at 2 p.m. and 11 a.m on Friday. Other high engagement times are Wednesday (11 a.m. to 3 p.m) and Friday (10 a.m. to 3 p.m) with a general time for weekdays ranging from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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