Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing for Working Professionals

Digital Marketing

India is a country with 200 million users online which consist of high turnover makers to the middle class and the lower middle section of the society. The Indian customers are always on the lookout for value-for-money and therefore excessively research using the Internet to purchase goods. As a result, it makes nearly impossible for industries like real state, tourism, teaching, etc where success is determined by popularity to ignore the effect of digital marketing. So in order to get a complete solution to their digital marketing problems, all one needs is a working professional.

The companies in India are exploiting methods to reduce their expenditure on traditional media, and enhance their outreach and conversion rates. In a recent survey conducted by Assocham, real estate firms in India spend a whopping Rs.2500 crore/annum on advertising out of which an astonishing 25 percent has been spent on digital marketing. This result is a proof that companies have started to approve the efficiency and relevance of digital marketing. The digital marketing professionals are best suited for such jobs. Unlike digital marketing student class, the professional class boasts of better result due to the fact that they possess more experience in online as well as offline spheres of marketing. The offline marketing experience helps in creating a better customer attracting conditions. It lets the professionals know the demand of people and their way of thinking plus a benefit that when they turn to online marketing they already have ideas and live-experience. This is very important in industries such as tourism, real-estate, and teaching where sale does not depend on the urgency of the customer to purchase rather upon the power of persuasion of an individual to sell their commodity. This knowledge and experience proved to be a formidable weapon in the sphere of digital marketing.

Demand in Market:

The demand for professional digital marketing personals is very high. The recruiters are facing problems when sourcing potential candidates for the job. In September ’13, there were about 5,600 jobs available for digital marketing professionals which is a 19% year-over-year increase. The majority of the demand was for marketing professionals while only 13% of ads were for public relation jobs.

Scope in market:

According to ratings by, the ratings for digital marketing job filling in major cities on India like Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore is 76, 78 and 70 on a scale of 1-99 where 99 signify tough to fill. At Delhi in September, the number of applicants per job opening was only 16 on an average in digital marketing. Moving into other state capitals the score easily fluctuates between 80 to 85. The demand is growing more rapidly than the available number of professionals.

Market Status:

The digital marketing targets around all round the clock unlike television marketing which could be effective during prime hours. Even those who were unsure are diving into this ocean of opportunity. So, the recruiters are always on the lookout for professionals to get their jobs done and it is apparent that the demand it’s not going to decrease anytime soon.

Role of Smart Phones:

India has 110 million mobile internet users and according to recent study has only crossed 16% of the population which is 10 times the user in Australia. With such rise, the demand for digital marketers had to increase and will certainly go further up.

Nowadays, companies are looking to completely askew promotions through television media or other traditional ways. From facts and figures it is as clear as a crystal that digital marketing is an industry on rising and something that is going to stay at top of recruiting list for quite some time and when such opportunities present themselves, it should be grabbed with both hands.


Udit Khanna is a Digital Marketing Course professional at Expert Training Institute, an expert in Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media, etc. who helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Udit worked as a marketing professional for various startups and tech companies. He graduated with B.Sc from IGNOU with a dual degree in Business Administration (Marketing & Finance).

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